All You need to know about getting started with Digital Marketing

Swathi Kategaru
10 min readMay 17, 2021


Hey, are you the one who feels stuck and lost your direction during the pandemic period ? Lost your job or wanted to start a new side hustle or a new business which will help you in achieving the life you wanted to live ? Do you wanted to work for yourself instead of working for someone else ? Are you feeling confused from where to start with?

If these are all your thoughts then this article helps you in finding the right way to get started with. In this article we are going to discuss about getting started with Digital Marketing and its fundamentals. This Article will be helpful for the people such as students who wants to gain new skills, freelancers, Professionals who want to outgrow their business and any person who are trying to start their career with digital marketing. After going through this article you will get to know everything about Digital Marketing and its laws which are most needed to implement in the digital marketing journey.

Now let’s get started with the law of marketing

The Law of Marketing :

The law of marketing starts with marketing, which is based on science, not on creativity. It starts before creating any product or service .It is simply an understanding the needs of the customer which might fit them in the right time. One needs to know about marketing and practicing the marketing makes them more and more better and helps them outcome in the digital marketing.

Marketing is a game of perception and the purpose of the marketing is to build a brand and capture a position in the minds of the customers. Great product converts your customers through word of mouth. The aim of marketing is not just about selling ,it is also to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits and sells itself.

One of the biggest shoe maker company “Nike” itself is a Marketing Company. “Apple” is a Company with great products along with marketing. Marketing not only helps people discover the product, but also have a good perception about product. Some of the components in marketing include Advertising, Copywriting, sales. Building your brand follows by investing in marketing. Marketing education has a long shelf life because it is rooted in human psychology and understanding the market.

Marketing is all about communication. Most of the people think that marketing is manipulating people to buy their product or service. This may be true in the poor quality service. If we have a good product which helps customers then the product sells itself .Good Marketing involves good communication which doesn’t mean sophisticated English. If you have a good product or service and able to communicate well by sharing your thoughts effectively then you are a good marketer. Marketing is the most valuable investment in a business because it gives direct returns. If you know how to market and sell then you have a safe career.

Now let’s talk about Traditional Vs Digital Marketing and understand more about it.

Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing :

Traditional marketing is one of the marketing type where the marketing happens on the traditional platforms like Broadcast such as radio or television, Print media . Before the rise of digital marketing everyone used the traditional marketing technique. Lets take an example of Television where most of the people spend their time in it they get attracted by the ads displayed on it and then tend to buy the product. Tv ads target in a wide range and reaches to the millions of people at low cost (Ex: Apple I phone) Whereas Digital marketing is the component which utilizes digital medium to promote their products. Due to the arise of pandemic situation people started spending their most of the time online more than ever before. Due to this the traditional marketing is experiencing a downfall as it cannot get more number of wide range of customers expected. More and more customers are now getting targeted through digital marketing which includes social media, Ecommerce, Search engine where one click gets to know about various kind of information and products and through Emails and blogs.

Digital Marketing is the best medium to reach the people with out spending more and it is cost effective and gains more traffic than the traditional one. We can not get to know whether people are interested in our ad through the traditional marketing, but we can get to know whether the ad works or not through one of the marketing type which is known as Direct Response Marketing.

What is Direct Response Marketing?

Direct Response is a type of marketing designed to elicit an instant response by encouraging prospects to take a specific action. It encourages the prospects to respond on the spot to the offer provided by the marketer by raising the urgency. Through this we can track and obtain the performance outcome of the marketing.

Some of the direct response marketing include referral program, Social Media Ads, Contests and giveaways which gains more attention and immediate response from the target audience.

For example an ad in the News paper with a phone number and a sales page with a product with a link to purchase the product.

It is the one of the best method which involves call to action plan.

There is an important marketing funnel plan which can be used to generate more leads to our platform. It is known as CATT Marketing funnel.

Let’s go deep and learn more about this CATT Marketing Funnel and its importance of how it is helpful in lead generation.

The CATT Marketing Funnel:

This CATT Marketing Funnel is one of the best method which can grow in an exponential way to your career and business.

One need to choose the right niche to be successful in digital marketing. To choose a right niche one can consider these 3 aspects which can outgrow your career in the marketing.

  1. Passion: choose the field in which you feel you are more interested, passionate and involved in it fully .
  2. Talent: Choose the field which you are passionate and develop skills in that field.
  3. Market: Your particular field of interest/Niche should be in a demand

Niche is everything when it comes to digital marketing because niche lies in becoming rich.

The wealth creation can be achieved by a formula as

Wealth = n^ CATT

where ’n’ is the niche you choose in which your success depends on, Choose a unique niche where you can develop a long term career by offering particular product /service to a particular category of people. Be the Only One in particular category because “If you try to be everything to everyone , then you will be a nobody to everyone”.

I think now you got a clarity about choosing niche which defines your uniqueness.

‘C’ Stands for Content creation

Create the content which is more useful and drives more people to get attracted towards it by posting on your blog, videos , lead magnets , live webinars etc.,

The more the content is relevant the more traffic attention you will get.

A’ Stands for Attention. Drive Attention /traffic to your content using SEO, Social media, paid ads and referrals.

T’ Stands for Trust. Build trust with your audience with marketing automation and retargeting.

Another ‘T’ Stands for Transaction, in which you convert your leads into customers with natural sales method.

The overview of CATT Marketing funnel and frame work looks like

There is an effective way to execute the marketing plans that deliver measurable results which is in the terms known as Integrated digital marketing. what is integrated digital marketing ?

Integrated Digital Marketing :

Lot of people approach digital marketing in a way that each and every segment they try to get results from that separately.

Lot of people do content marketing and expect the sales but nothing happens. A lot of people do SEO, Social Media and they expect the sales in return but nothing happens and they do complain that people don’t buy on social media and then they do everything but end up getting nothing in return.

when you try to integrate all these components in such a way when it becomes a machine, then instead of using paid advertising try to sell and convert people directly. Run paid advertising campaigns to the content .

Instead of advertising a product or service directly out in social media go ahead and advertise free content and get people into email list. First Ask for Attention, rather than asking for payment.

Let’s talk about content via Blog, You tube .When people come to the blog they subscribe to the content we produce .If we publish a new content then we should send to the entire email list. people will read the content and then due to that we will get listed on search engine and people will come to our site using the search and then it starts ranking.

If we share our content on social media , new people appearing on social media will come to our content and then if they like that particular content they will share it on social media.

Like wise paid ads boost the entire momentum of email marketing, SEO, Social media and everything and then the people will end up by building trust on us.

CATT Marketing funnel is executed through Integrated Digital marketing.

Now whatever you are doing some where at some end it ends up in building your own personal brand.

Why personal branding is important for your business and career?

If you are good at something and if the world does not know about it, then no body is going to hire you. Building up a personal brand can benefit you both personally and professionally. In the personal brand you are marketing yourself.

For example if you google your name what does it comes up ? if you have not built a personal brand or not spent much time on personal branding , then probably your name will not appear and people will not get to know about you.

That’s why personal branding is more important . Let’s get to know more about power of personal branding in detail.

The power of personal branding :

Personal branding is about taking responsibility over how you present yourself. It is the practice of creating a brand around a person rather than a business entity.

Now you might be thinking about how to start and practice personal branding

Customers want to do business with the people , not with companies.

Your brand is what distinguishes you from your competitors. Most people are interested in following other people than their specific companies , that’s why building an audience for your personal brand can actually help you increase the exposure for your company. Having a personal brand can help you to stand out from the growing number of competitors.

Here are some steps involved in building your personal brand.

The journey of evolution of a personal brand looks like :

Step 1- Learn : Learn a new skill through concepts, facts and procedures. Understand the concepts of your learning. Always remember each and every facts you learn in the process and practice the procedures.

Step 2- Work : Put your new found skills to work .Now implement each and every single step you practice.

Implementing it in the real world will give you a better understanding. Here the work may be related to a job , your freelancing projects or your own projects.

Step 3- Write (Blog) : Write about what you have learned and experienced through your work . when you write , you understand it better , but you will also start building your personal brand.

Your post will be of very high value only when you go ahead and also work.

Step 4- Consult : Now you have a personal brand through your blog, have work experience and have learned the fundamentals . You can start consulting for other businesses instead of working for them. Instead of being employee we can just tell the people how that can be done and charge for the consulting project.

Step 5- Mentor : Mentor others who wants to become like you. Mentoring will help you scale your understanding to a whole new level.

Now you are not just teaching one person , consulting one person , working for one person, you are teaching and mentoring a group of people.

Blogging is one level of clarity , Consulting is next level of clarity , Mentoring is whole new level of clarity.

For example you take a freelance project on Digital Marketing only for lawyers and advocates , here you might want to get into consulting where you are not digital marketing but just giving them advice on how to do it.

Step 6- Startup : Start your own product or service business with the understanding that you have developed about the market, the problem and your own skills .

All these aspects can be shown by a blue print which helps in the evolution of your personal brand frame work , known as Mass Trust Blue print.

In this process we will understand our own subjects very well , because we are putting a lot of efforts in creating our own personal brand.

By implementing and following all these aspects you can build your digital marketing career and achieve all your dreams.

Remember Consistency is the key role for the success .



Swathi Kategaru

A freelance writer to help your Wellness, Fitness & Self improvement brands level up with my content for your business