How Mental health can help you live a better life

Swathi Kategaru
6 min readMay 16, 2021


Hey there, are you the one who feels frustrated because of your 9 -5 job? Are you feeling struck by being alone post the pandemic? Do you think you need a break for yourself?

If these are your thoughts, then this article will help you to understand better about your mental health.

In this present generation, everyone is busy somewhere or at some point doing things they do not like. Becoming busy spending time with unwanted stuff and finally ending up getting tired and frustrated.

One among the five people is suffering from mental illness and they have serious mental health-related problems. 20% of young people have a mental health condition.

Mental health refers to the foundation for well-being. It is a state of balance both within and with the environment.

The ICMR research study shows that projects have been carried out on mental health in the areas of biological psychiatry, family studies, therapies, meditation and yoga, mental retardation, alcohol, and drug dependence, and other social and psychological studies which involve creating an environment that supports the mental health.

Why is mental health important?

It is much more important to keep your mental health as a priority because it will serve many of the aspects such as being healthy physically, connecting with people, increasing your productivity, being able to cope with the stress of life, and contributing to your service to the community.

Now there will be a question raised in your mind regarding how I can improve my mental health.

There are some tips and exercises which will help you in improving your mental health condition.

  1. Be Positive and stay positive: Always try to be in a stage of feeling good and positive in each and every aspect so that it will not trigger your mental stress. However staying positive does not mean that you can not have negative thoughts, you can respond to them but do not over-prioritize or overtake those feelings. Do not worry about the feelings which do not help you feel good and help you grow in your career.
  2. Take care of your body: Exercising reduces the stress levels in our body and we will feel more energetic and more active. Take plenty of exercises that your body feels okay with doing it. Do not over-exercise by which your body feels over tired and becomes restless.

A study shows that people who do not exercise may lose up to 80% of their muscle strength by the age of 65. Exercise helps in reducing diabetes and cholesterol levels. Regular exercise leads to improved well-being.

3. Practice gratitude: Sit down and think of the things which you feel grateful for. Practicing gratitude daily helps in removing the toxic feelings and we can overcome the negative thoughts and feel life at its best. One can develop positive habits and can promote happiness by practicing a gratitude journal.

4. Meditate: Try to sit in a quiet place without thinking or getting through any thoughts into your mind, close your eyes, and then take a deep breath for a few seconds, this can reduce your stress levels, anxiety, pain, depression and makes you feel more relaxed and improves your emotional health.

5. Take a walk: Walking is a wonderful stress reliever. It helps you to move to a calm state and can also relieve fatigue. Walking can help you release some of the fight hormones that build up when you are feeling stressed. You can also become physically active and stay in an active mood.

6. Spend time in nature: Nature positively affects your mental health. Spending some time in green space can improve your mood, and helps you in making new adventures and new connections. Take out some time and feel relaxed by spending time in nature.

7. Listen to Music: Music is great for your mental health, whether it might be listening to your favorite songs or a podcast or attending a concert. It helps you to improve your memory and helps you to gain focus. Due to the pandemic, most people are feeling alone and isolated, by listening to your favorite recordings you will feel connected and share your playlists with your friends.

8. Read Books: Books are our best friends as it provides us with a lot of knowledge and helps us reduce stress. Reading can increase self-esteem, reduces depression, and helps in building healthy relationships with others. A little reading time in your whole day can sweep away the anxiety and helps in stress management.

9. Smile every day: When you wake up in the morning, start your day by looking yourself at in the mirror and smiling. This reduces the stress hormone cortisol and releases neurotransmitters known as endorphins when you smile. Smiling helps you live longer and reduces blood pressure. As age increases, we forget to smile and even smile less due to the toxic life and responsibilities. Try to practice smiling by contributing some of your busy schedules for a great smile.


10. Plant trees: Spending time in planting or cultivating plants reduces the negative effects of stress. and encourages physical activity. Spending some time planting trees will get you relieved from your stressful work and life and also develops a healthy relationship with others. Trees provide a high amount of oxygen which will help you stay healthy for a long time.

11. Watch Feel good movies: When you feel you need a break then spend some time watching movies that suggest you be in a positive state. They can also relieve you from depression and pain and also some of the movies can help you to get motivated and help you work better towards your career.

12. Talk to your friends/family / close ones: Sometimes talking to a friend or a family member can make your day. In your work life, you need some time where you can feel the best by talking to or spending some time with your close ones is all that you need can take you out of your busy life.

These are some of the tips which will help you to live the better life you want to live.

“It’s up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind” . — Steve Maraboli.



Swathi Kategaru

A freelance writer to help your Wellness, Fitness & Self improvement brands level up with my content for your business