How to find mental peace | start with these simple 7 mental peace tips

Swathi Kategaru
6 min readAug 23, 2021


These days, we are very much anxious and much more worried due to many un certain things and thoughts. Our mind is like an ocean which does not have an ending to stop our thoughts. Eventually when we start focusing on more and more thoughts, it will remain us to destroy our own health and peace. The desires we think and all the other thoughts we feel will finally end up in ruining our own mental peace.

Finding mental peace is not as easy as we think. You might feel like it is difficult at the start , but start practicing some tips which will not only relieve stress but it can also helps you to out grow and find your inner peace.

Here are some mental health tips which you can add and practice in your daily routine and start developing your mental peace, only if you wanted to implement and change your state of mental peace.

1. Spend on yourself alone for sometime

You might be wondering why I said you to be alone for sometime. You might even feel that being alone makes you even worse and triggers your mental health. But have you ever tried to do something you feel interested in?

You may be or may not be involved in it, but spending some time on yourself alone by doing the things which you feel more interested in helps you develop more positive feeling and helps you to relieve stress because you will feel refreshed and energized during the task and you can even concentrate more on it as you are spending alone and there will be no one to judge about it.

2. Don’t hesitate to ask for space when you are emotionally drained

Most of us feel hesitated and feel quite anxious when we are surrounded by people. Sometimes you might feel the need to be alone , sometimes you might feel not interested in certain things , sometimes you feel you need to set boundaries and that’s totally okay with it, because as we are humans with certain emotions we might feel and we think we need some space in order to be mentally peaceful. Please speak up and ask for your space and do not try to hesitate even if it’s challenging, You need to take the step and ask for space because you matter to yourself rather than anything else.

3. Have a disconnection from social media and technology

Sometimes it is better to have a disconnection for some time from the technology because we might be seeing the success of most people posting on the social media and we feel we haven’t done anything till now. But we don’t know the reality from the other side. It’s okay that they have celebrated and you haven’t. Every thing comes within the time and we need not compare our success with theirs because success is different for all.

Try to keep some time aside and feel relaxed within yourself, try to develop new habits. You can even spend the time by reading a book which is more precious than being active on social media and ruining our energy on unwanted things.

Once you start practicing it, set aside some time and do the things you feel to do and celebrate the moment. Mental peace comes when we feel good and happy about ourselves when we take time to appreciate our selves.

But remember social media and technology is all about how good we are using it and for what purpose we have been using it. Think a moment and then you can see the real perspective.

4. Try to say No

We all have a habit of saying yes to each and everything even though we might not know even if we feel interested or happy in doing it. when you feel like you don’t want to deal with some things , start saying no and see how the things happen. If it brings you mental peace then please do not feel sorry or anxious to say no for certain things. Remember if you still feel anxious about saying no or thinking that you might lose certain things then it’s up to you to decide whether it brings or helps you develop mental peace. Do not lose your mental peace in the habit of saying yes for everything.

5. Seek and ask for help

It’s totally fine and okay to not deal with certain things alone by ourselves. Seeking or asking for a help will also help you to gain support and even helps you to find a certain solution if you have gone through some problems. We feel that we can look at and solve everything by ourselves but sometimes we might fail due to the lack of mental peace.

What if you have shared or asked for a help and he/she could really help you to outcome the problem ? How does it feel to you? You might feel to have an experience of support from the other persons when you feel emotionally and mentally drained.

6. Focus on your strengths rather than weakness

Have you ever thought and complimented your strengths rather than blaming on your weakness? We feel that in this competitive world we need to be more skilled and we end up developing more and more skills without even thinking about our strengths and what we can do and help others with our strengths.

Take time to appreciate the things you love doing it and try to develop more expertise in it rather than developing other things or involving in developing the things we do not feel interested to do. If you spend most of the time trying to focus on the thing which you feel weak at it will eventually ruin your energy and disturbs your mental peace. Try to spend more time working on your strengths and see what outcome do you get?

7. Distance Yourself from the people you feel Toxic

Socializing with toxic people will drain your energy and will lead to a sort of unhappiness. You feel most of your energy drained when you spend yourself with toxic people. It will be difficult to most of us because we might feel that avoiding or distancing ourselves from them will make a bad impact on us and they will also spread some kind of bad uncertain things about us. It’s okay let them do whatever they can because eventually their behavior shows us the reality of the people whom we deserve and whom we do not deserve in the end.

Spend your time with the people who brings you to be the best version of yourself and with whom you can share your success and failures too and in return they don’t judge you for being real .

Remember, just not looking at these tips will not help you to relieve your stress and find mental peace. It all takes about how much you care for your own health and mental peace.

MAKE YOUR MIND YOUR FRIEND — I remember this quote from an awesome book I have been reading these days which I will also be sharing the facts about mind and mindset soon.



Swathi Kategaru

A freelance writer to help your Wellness, Fitness & Self improvement brands level up with my content for your business