How to start Using Positive Affirmations to improve your life

Swathi Kategaru
3 min readJul 21, 2021


We all have been stuck at something and somewhere else defining how our life sucks. But that’s absolutely okay to feel frustrated because we too have our inner voices which sometimes feels negative at some situations.

We let all those negative thoughts enter into our mind and ruins all our energy. But we forget to know that the primary cause for unhappiness comes with the quality of thoughts we have.

Every time when we fail at something or feel that something in our life is not good as we think we start generating negative thoughts into our mind and then it occupies us which leads to generate negativity.

Starting Your day right is the most important thing which leads to have a peaceful day ahead. We feel that it is impossible because we can not be positive all along the time, but we can make it simple by using at least few positive affirmations through which we can feel positive and seek gratitude in our day to day life .

Now you might be thinking how can I start using it. Well here are some simple steps involved which can guide you to use and start positive affirmations in your life. Now as you feel these thoughts you are generating and thinking about positive emotions.

Just take few deep breathes and allow your body to absorb any kind of positive feel you want to experience.

Now as you feel a bit of calm and peace for a while. Now let positivity enter into your mind. You can feel them by using some positive affirmations like

  1. I deserve Positivity
  2. I deserve Peace and Calm
  3. I meet my goals constantly and consistently
  4. I feel good about everything
  5. I let everything to happen for a good cause
  6. I am grateful for what I am
  7. Happiness is my natural state of being
  8. I receive more joy and happiness in my life
  9. I start everyday with a smile
  10. I look for positivity, strength, joy, happiness and fulfillment in everything

These are some positive affirmations which you can start to make a change in your day to day life and when you constantly implement these affirmations in your mind it begins to accept these suggestions as reality.

Target the area where you want to practice the balance in your life

Whether it may be your health , career or personal life. Ask yourself the right questions and try to develop in that particular aspect.

Start Using the Affirmations by making it personal

Your affirmations should create in a way that it should change your pathway to balance your life. You can start them by saying “I, Lisa find balance, peace and happiness at my work”

Start them by replacing your negative thoughts with the positive thoughts

You might be thinking that it is impossible to feel good at everything, start practicing the gratitude. This will definitely help you change the way you see the world.

Stop Comparing your life with others

The main reason why most of us feel unhappy and dissatisfied with our life is because we start comparing ourselves with others and judge ourselves.

If we try to live the life by comparing with others then we have nothing in our life to feel happy about. Don’t compare yourself with your past and with the other people, Instead you can replace them by saying “I do love myself” and “I take care of myself and my body”

You can start implementing these positive affirmations by writing on a paper, practicing Journaling, sticking the affirmations list in your room .

Try using these techniques and see how you feel after implementing them for a short period of time . You can experience a new world appearing in front of You. You can even see new opportunities coming to your way.

Our Greatest Weapon against Stress is Our Ability to choose one thought over Another — William James

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Swathi Kategaru

A freelance writer to help your Wellness, Fitness & Self improvement brands level up with my content for your business