The Power of being Alone

Swathi Kategaru
4 min readMay 25, 2021


Hey , Do you spend your time being alone? Have you ever felt that being alone is dangerous ? or Do you think you are alone because you want to live at your own peace ? Do you enjoy your own company rather than gathering with people ?

If these are your thoughts then I must say that you are doing good for your soul by being alone. Being alone allows you to be with your own thoughts and discover your own voice. It can help you to become mentally stronger. But if you tend to have negative thoughts by being alone then you must need to seek a help of someone to be your company during those thoughts.

Studies have found that people who tend to set aside some time to be alone tend to be happier.

Once you start enjoying yourself by being alone , you are going to grow as a person.

Things happen when you start to enjoy by being Alone :

1. You start doing the things which you enjoy :

You feel more happier and free because you will not have any one to make compromise for yourself and you tend to do more things which brings you joy without thinking about opinions of others.

2. You take a break from the outside world :

In these busy days when you get stressed you take a break for yourself and spend time with getting disconnected from all . You feel more peaceful and live calm because you do not have to worry about any thing happening in the outside world .

3. You like being at peace and quiet :

You might involve your day by reading books or practicing meditation which makes you to remain calm and be more positive in being alone.

You remove all the distractions whatever you feel annoys you and get back to the happy and calm state .

4. You value yourself :

You treat yourself with the same respect that you treat others . You make a priority to be a better person everyday. You build your core values and set your standards to live your entire life .You do not compare yourself with others because you feel that you are more valued and respected .

5. You become more productive :

Being alone encourages you to think and make space for your own thoughts. You spend and value your time building your core needs and goals and also you boost your creativity during this time.

6. You spend time by enjoying in nature :

Being in nature feels you more joyful and reduces your stress and increases your pleasant feelings. You will be more healthier at this part of time because you fill more grounded and explore the best you can .

7. You take yourself out :

You go to a movie by yourself. Shop for yourself and buy the things that make you happy. You eat out by yourself and do all the things where you feel comfortable doing it by your own . You do not want to be dependent on anyone for anything , so you go out and do everything for yourself with utmost joy.

8. You do not owe space for other’s drama :

One of the main reason why you love to be alone is that because you feel less valued and less respected around people. You have got enough space for the stress and you do not want to deal with it , so you just ignore it blissfully and grant some time for yourself.

9. You take care of your health :

Sometimes you may be more emotional , but you do not want to remain in that zone . You step out of that zone and practice your physical and mental health by maintaining a healthy diet , exercise and spending some time to relax and breathe , have a good sleep and keeping yourself recharged .

Above all, the most important thing in being able to reap the benefits of being alone is to take the opportunity and say “This is the time where I can give something to myself” and endorse in the moments where you are your first choice.



Swathi Kategaru

A freelance writer to help your Wellness, Fitness & Self improvement brands level up with my content for your business